
☕️ Creative Coffee

Welcome to Creative Coffee, a newsletter for creators who have gone through burnout and now want to build a more sustainable and future-proofed career. Subscribe and I'll see you in your inbox, cheers!

What my readers are saying!

This is one of the few emails in my life that I actually really enjoy receiving! ~ Dana Middleton, Author & Actress
You know I'm a reader and a fan!! So good. ~ Laura Dowling Shea, Actress, Producer & Entrepreneur
Lenka always has something to love in her newsletters. I really enjoy 'em. ~ Stephanie Bergeon, Actress & Ballerina
I'm loving this series. I originally signed up because I met you in a Creator Happy Hour, but this is becoming one of my favorite reads. Keep up the good work on video and on training! ~ Monical Poling, Marketing & Branding Expert
This is so great, thanks Lenka! I love the vibe and transparency of your writing, keep up the good work :) ~ Amanda Northcutt, CEO of Level Up Creators