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☕️ Creative Coffee

☕️ Creative Coffee: What Can Creators Learn From Athletes?

Hi 😊

Creating content on social media can feel like running a race. Every. Single. Day.

That sounds absolutely exhausting, doesn’t it? Yet creators, social media managers, and solopreneurs are somehow expected to make this work long-term.

No wonder so many people are quitting or cutting back their social media use due to burnout.

But what if there is another way to go about it? 🤔

Maybe we need to approach it like athletes do. Their work consists of racing, training, and recovering.

🏃🏻‍♀️Racing makes up a small portion of their overall time and they schedule everything around their races. In the content world, this could be the big pieces of content. The ones that you took your time to prepare for and create. And the ones that may be the game-changers in your careers.

🏋🏻‍♀️ Training is what they do most of the time. When they are starting out, they focus on building basic skills and improving continuously until they reach their peak. Content creation is also a process that starts with basic skills that you can improve on over time and that should be considered normal. Before we do the big and successful pieces of content, all the other content is training that helps us practice our skills.

🧘🏻‍♀️Recovering is just as important as training because it can make or break an athlete. They learn how their bodies work, and perfect their nutrition, sleep, and mindset. They also do other sports to actively recover their muscles. Recovery is also important for anyone who creates content, yet we often forget about it thinking it’s a time wasted. I’m guilty of that myself. Only when I burned out I started to properly take care of my body with movement, pay attention to my nutrition, improve my sleep, and delve into other creative and non-creative activities to find inspiration. And to make me grounded.

So far, approaching my content creation like an athlete has been a game-changer. I still have a lot to learn, but knowing what to focus on and how to approach it all gave me a sense of direction.

If you’d like to learn more about my experience with burnout, feel free to watch my interview at Level Up Creators Podcast by Amanda Northcut. We talked about why I didn’t see the burnout happening, what helped me recover and return to creating, and what I wish a have known earlier.

Now, I’d like to hear from you! Hit reply and lemme know if this athlete approach has resonated with you or what you thought about the interview. 😊

Stay creative,

Lenka xx

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☕️ Creative Coffee

Welcome to Creative Coffee, a newsletter for creators who have gone through burnout and now want to build a more sustainable and future-proofed career. Subscribe and I'll see you in your inbox, cheers!

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