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☕️ Creative Coffee

☕️ Creative Coffee: Overwhelmed by content creation? Try this approach!

Hi Reader,

creating content can be overwhelming and a big cuppa if you are doing it solo. 🫠 Whether you went through burnout or not, you might find this approach refreshingly different.

So how do you make content creation less overwhelming? 🤔

👉🏻 Don’t focus on growing all the platforms at the same time. 👈🏻

Let me explain:

It’s a good idea to be present on multiple platforms and I would very much recommend that.

But if you don’t want to lose your beans, you might want to try my favorite ‘Project’ method. 🥰 Here is how it works:

  • You choose 1 platform to be your primary focus for a set period of time. On this platform, you’ll be in Growth Mode.
  • Your other platforms will be your secondary focus for the time being. On these platforms, you’ll be in Maintenance Mode.

You execute the project and then you switch things around. 🫡

This is how I execute this method on my own platforms:

  • My current primary focus platform is YouTube, where I have a 12-week project. I publish 1 video per week and most of my creative activities revolve around that. 🎥
  • My current secondary focus platforms are Instagram and my newsletter Creative Coffee, which you are reading now. On Instagram, I’m repurposing clips from my YouTube videos to maintain activity and I keep on cultivating relationships with my community. I only send Creative Coffee once every two weeks – that’s a frequency that allows me to deliver quality stuff. ☕️

After the 12-week project is over, I’ll change things up. My plan is to upgrade Creative Coffee and work on some freebies and digital products for a few weeks. My YouTube and Instagram will be secondary for the time being. And then I’ll do another project and another one after that. 👩🏻‍💻

Why does this 'Project method' work for me?

  • Think of it like a relay. All my platforms are like a team of runners where each one runs a part of the race and together they get to the finish. It would be too hard a journey to run on their own, they’d have to run slow and conserve their energy. But if they take turns on the shorter distances, they can run faster and give it much more energy. It’s exactly the same with content creation – it’s a long course that you can run more effectively (when it comes to your energy) if you relay it. 🏃🏻‍♀️

Is the ‘Project’ method perfect?

Absolutely not, because there is no perfect method ever. There is just what works for you and your goals. 💆🏻‍♀️

The most important metric for me is longevity in this career. That I’m able to stay healthy, happy, and creatively fulfilled. ☺️

That I see my platforms gradually growing and that I can focus on building relationships just as much as posting quality content.

After all, it’s called SOCIAL media for a reason. It’s meant to be a two-way conversation, not a one-way broadcast. 🤨

So if you are sick and tired of all the hustle-hard and grow explosively methods, give the ‘Project’ method a go and see what happens.

But most importantly, report back to me how did that feel and what impact it had on your mental health. Do you have any questions or need to clarify anything? Hit reply and ask away! 🙂

Hope this was useful.

Stay creative,


P.S.: Do you know of someone who'd benefit from reading Creative Coffee? Send them this page where they can check out my newsletters before subscribing to see if it's their cuppa. Thank you! 🥰

☕️ Creative Coffee

Welcome to Creative Coffee, a newsletter for creators who have gone through burnout and now want to build a more sustainable and future-proofed career. Subscribe and I'll see you in your inbox, cheers!

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