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☕️ Creative Coffee

☕️ Creative Coffee: I've been keeping something from you...


I've been working on something for the past few weeks and I want to share it with you before it goes public.

Introducing: Rising From Burnout

Email series for creators who want to make a comeback after burnout.

It's 5 bite-sized actionable lessons that are all about implementation, not just information.

You see, I was frustrated... 😩

I was looking for practical and actionable tips, that would help me to actually DO SOMETHING as I build the next chapter of my career in a healthier and more sustainable way.

And I couldn't find anything actionable enough and something that would be focused on creators and our unique needs.

All the resources were mainly for employees and they were, quite frankly, vague.

– "Just have more work-life balance"

– "Just reduce your screen time"

– "Just take care of yourself"

– "Just set boundaries"

– "Just..."

Gee, thanks for the advice 🙄... easier said than done, though! And what does that even mean exactly? Who knows...

So I started experimenting on my own—and in this short email series—you'll find practical tips for what to try yourself. It's based on the past 3 years of my recovery journey and I have tried it all and more so you don't have to. I've selected only the things that actually brought me results.

Now it's on to you to do the DOING.

My hope is that the Rising From Burnout series will make it easier for you.

Feel free to subscribe and I'd really appreciate your feedback. Whenever one of the series emails appears in your inbox, just shoot me a quick email back sharing your thoughts. It will help me learn what to improve, make clearer, and to know what kind of impact it's having on people.

Thank you! 🙏🏻

Stay creative,

Lenka xx

P.S.: Do you know of someone who'd benefit from reading Creative Coffee? Send them this page where they can check out my newsletters before subscribing to see if they like it. Thank you! 🥰

☕️ Creative Coffee

Welcome to Creative Coffee, a newsletter for creators who have gone through burnout and now want to build a more sustainable and future-proofed career. Subscribe and I'll see you in your inbox, cheers!

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