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☕️ Creative Coffee

☕️ Creative Coffee: Gifts For Your Future Self

Hi Reader, 😊

today I have a tip for you that can improve your life and your creative pursuits: doing things as a gift for your future self.

Here is the problem:

We often procrastinate as a means of avoiding something that feels overwhelming to do. But the more we delay, the longer our to-do list, the bigger the stress.

In other words, we let our future selves deal with our present problems. 🧐

But what if we flipped this on its head?

What if we start doing things, little things, for ourselves so that we don’t have to deal with them in the future? All it requires is to build new habits over time.

Here are examples of what I have been doing:

Caring for my work: On days with a lot of energy, I do as much work as possible—I batch-create content, brainstorm ideas, do research and prep work—anything that will make it easy to keep going on those days when energy is low. Ya know, women are cyclical.

It also works well on quiet vs. busy weeks. Knowing I have some a packed schedule on some weeks, I use the quieter weeks for deep work and getting ahead in my to-do list.

Caring for my space: I tidy up my apartment as a part of my evening routine—doing the dishes, vacuuming, picking stuff up, wiping down my work desk—so I can go to sleep and wake up in a tidy place.

It does wonders for how I feel in the morning and I noticed the state of my place reflects the state of my mind. I can think more clearly, and be more productive and creative in a space that is taken care of with love.

My morning self always feels grateful my evening self didn’t let it slide no matter how tired I felt.

Caring for my body: Last but not least, I exercise for my future self, so I can chase after my kids in my 40s and still beat my PBs (Personal Best Times) on running races in my 50s, 60s, 70s (and so on).

I work on my business and my finances, so my future self will have more freedom and choices.

Your challenge:

Journal on these prompts to find the little things you can do today that your future self will thank you for.

  • Which days (or weeks) do I have the space in my schedule to batch-create work and take it off my future self’s plate?
  • What little daily habits I can create to take care of the space I live/work in, so it becomes a place that fuels my future self with inspiration?
  • How can I take care of my body—in a way that suits my needs and abilities—that will help maintain my health, so that my future self can live as fully as I can today? (Or better)

Feel free to add any questions you’d like. These three are focused on your creative work, your creative space, and your body and mind—the temples of your creativity.

Ready to try this?

I’d love to hear how you plan to gift your future self. Share your thoughts and ideas with me by replying to this email!

Stay creative,


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☕️ Creative Coffee

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